Kitchen chimney is an indispensable component of a modular kitchen that not only absorbs all the byproducts viz. fumes & smokes creating discomfort while cooking, but in the meanwhile, it also improves & revamps the aesthetics of the kitchen area.

As for Indian cuisines, a lot of frying, grilling is involved, which creates a high chance of accumulated grime & grease near the cooking cabinet, over-the-counter appliances or tiles, whose removal is again a cumbersome task. The urgency to cook in a hygienic area is a must, and here is where the chimney has its role to play.

The exhaust fans since have very limited coverage, the fume suction capacity and processing duration is somewhat comparably less than the capacity of an electric chimney. Thus, choosing a chimney over exhaust fans will always let you cook in a clean, grime & grease-free, safe, hassle-free, lighter and fresher environment.

Parameters that should keep in mind while choosing a chimney are air suction capacity, a number of blowers, technology usage, mesh type, size, external motors, hood, design, ducting or extracting, noise level, installation type.

There is an exclusive range of kitchen chimney available in the markets to suffice your need, that is rich in quality and exhibits modern technology & features. In this article we shall unveil the list of top 10 best Kitchen Chimney brands in India, enabling you to choose from a wide array of a chimney that suits your kitchen type the best.