In today’s world, most people suffer from many ailments and are in search of a number of doctors from different specializations. They spend thousands of rupees, even without achieving a satisfactory outcome. They fail in these aspects just because they lack knowledge of both the nature and functioning of their body. This is an ancient treatment technique called Acupuncture. Initially, it is a Chinese method that helps to reduce forms of pain and other ailments. These days, the practice of this method has become popular as the success rate is high. From the following list, even the people of Hyderabad can also get this perfect answer for their ailments. Here is the list of Hyderabad’s top 10 Acupuncture Therapy Centers.
Occupational Therapists | Location | Mobile No | Timings | |
1 | Aarathi Selvan’s Pause for Perspective | Francis Degree College, Aarathi Selvan’s Pause for Perspective, 6-3-1219/7/A Street No 6, Lane Of St, Uma Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500016 | 094907 08947 | 9 am – 6 pm |
2 | Best Child Psychiatrist | #1-10, 98/13, Street Number 3, Sai Balaji Nagar, Mayur Marg, Begumpet, Hyderabad, Telangana 500016 | 099491 15524 | 10 am – 9 pm |
3 | Vidyaranya Counselling Center | Plot no 70, Rd Number 4, Padmavathi Colony, Venkata Ramana Colony, Nagole, Hyderabad, Telangana 500068 | 070133 11817 | 10 am – 9.30 pm |
4 | Challas Counselling | B 401, Hema Durga Towers Community Road, near Alwyn X Roads, Prajay City, Miyapur, Hyderabad, Telangana 500049 | 098663 62224 | 9 am – 9 pm |
5 | Sailaja Pisapati Mental Health Center | 4-7-73/1, Sai Krupa Nilayam, 101, Nagendranagar Colony,, Adj. Lane to Bharat Petrol Bunk, Habsiguda X Roads, Nagendra Nagar, Habsiguda, Hyderabad, Telangana 500007 | 095509 50732 | 10 am – 7 pm |
6 | CIMHANS – PSYCHOLOGY CLINIC AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT | Plot no 20. AS Raju Nagar , High tension line road, Nizampet Rd, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, Telangana 500090 | 095156 90010 | 10 am – 6 pm |
7 | Aathmiya Psychological Counselling Centre | Sai Baba Temple Rd, Kamala Nagar, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500060 | 094905 49227 | 11 am – 5 pm |
8 | Hari Raghav | Legend Apartments, 224, Gandhi Kuteer Colony, Narayanguda, Hyderabad, Telangana 500029 | 092461 65165 | 9 am – 9 pm |
9 | Sakar Counselling Centre | Sri Lakshmi Nilayam, 3-651, Rd Number 35, Survey of India Colony, Chanda Naik Nagar, Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana 500081 | 095506 56621 | 10 am – 9 pm |
10 | Counseling Psychologist | Montfort Counselling Centre, Uppal, Hyderabad, Telangana 500039 | 098666 40595 | 9 am – 6 pm |