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The full form of EPC is Engineering, Procurement and Construction, which means three processes are comprised in a single term. Engineering involves the ...

India is a country of diverse traditions, cultures and religions, which is also reflected in various historical places and monuments in the country.India had ...

The Indian car market in the past few years has grown manifold and is expected to grow more in the upcoming time. There are more than 50 global companies that ...

English Magazines with a readership of more than 50 Lakh are most read after Hindi Magazines. English Magazines in India belong to different domains like ...

The Indian Cosmetic Industry is one of the fastest emerging industries in India and is expected to expand more in the upcoming years. The main reason behind ...

Magazines, a good source of information are periodic publications and keep readers updated with the latest happenings of different domains around the country ...

The Indian Dairy Industry is one of the largest and fastest growing industry in the country that provide ample job opportunities and contribute significantly ...

Washing Machine is one of the most useful gifts of technology. It saves time and energy of an individual and washes the laundry better than a human could do. ...

Water Purifier in recent time has become most essential home appliance as quality of water has reduced resulting in numerous water borne diseases. Water ...

Ayurveda is a system of medicine that deals with the cure of diseases and ailments using herbal plants, roots, leaves, fruits, bark, and seeds. Ayurveda with ...

Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) includes a wide variety of products that one cannot simply count on their fingers. ‘Fast-moving items’ tend to quickly to ...

Electrical engineering companies deal with the branch of electrical science which primarily involves the studies of electricity and equipment for power ...

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